Jul 22 , 2024
How to Buy the Right Air Purifier Filter for Home?
Air purifiers have become increasingly popular these days, especially in urban areas where people are much more concerned about air quality. They invest in a good air purifier filter for their home to ensure better health and well-being.
However, the market is flooded with numerous filter models and each committing to deliver the best, it is quite difficult to find the ideal one. Are you planning to buy an air purifier for your home? Make sure you consider the following points before heading to invest in any random product.
Understand your needs: Before diving into technical specifications, it’s crucial to understand the needs you want to fulfill using the air filter. A well-designed air purification filter can serve multiple purposes. This includes -
- Removing allergens from the air and preventing asthma
- Handle pet hairs and odors
- Filter tobacco smoke
- Eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants
With this idea, you actually start researching the product you require for purifying indoor air.
Size of the room and coverage: Consider the size or area of the room to find an appropriate filter that offers ultimate coverage. For instance, a larger room requires a powerful air filter that works effectively in a shorter period. Hence, you should look for a product with a high ACH rate, i.e., Air Changes per Hour rate. It measures the number of times the air is cleaned every hour.
Types of air filters: Usually, there are several types of air filters available in the market. All have different purposes to serve:
HEPA Filters: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can capture tiny air particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander. These are highly recommended for allergy sufferers.
Activated Carbon Filters: These are designed to remove odors, smoke, and chemical fumes. They usually work along with HEPA filters
Ionizers: These filters release negatively charged ions to trap positively charged harmful particles.
MERV Filters: Minimum efficiency reporting value or MERV filters are used in HVAC systems that can trap airborne contaminants of varying sizes and improve air quality. These filters are available in assorted ranges, portraying their ability to capture particles in residential and commercial environments.
Find the right one that meets your desires and buy it.
Noise level: The noise level of air purifiers varies from model to model. Some are noisy while some are specially designed to operate quietly. Look for these models that are perfect for your bedrooms or a quiet place instead of investing in the noisy filters that are meant for higher settings.
Energy consumption: Besides everything, energy consumption is the biggest consideration to be followed when choosing an air filter. Every individual wants to save their electricity bill while using modern appliances. Don’t you? All you need is to find an energy-efficient model that won’t generate a huge electricity charge. You can go for the one with Energy Star certification. It implies that the product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Final Thoughts
Air purifiers are essential for every home. These help remove air pollutants that include dust, pollen, mold spores, etc., and prevent various health disorders. Besides, many filters even help in eliminating odors and unpleasant smells, improving the quality of air and creating a refreshing environment.
So, if you want to buy an air purifier filter or plan to replace the existing one, it's better to get the most efficient one from the market. Check out the model along with its features and make the right investment.