The Advantages of Ceramic Water Filters in Your Home

Aug 07 , 2017

The Advantages of Ceramic Water Filters in Your Home

Water is everywhere around us. Ceramic filters make sure your water is clean and tastes fresh. The main advantage of ceramic filters is the small size of their pores, which can remove very tiny particles, including bacteria.


Microns are the unit of measure for the average size of the openings in the filter. The standard 5-micron ceramic filter opening will provide you with a system that can filter out most harmful bacteria and particulate matter.

However, the small size slows down the flow of your water. Many systems employ two filters to alleviate this problem: a coarse filter to remove the larger particles and sediments and then a ceramic filter to remove smaller contaminants.

How do ceramic water filters work?

The water simply seeps through millions of the tiny pores in the filter surface. Anything larger than about 0.5 microns will be barred from further progress, and they accumulate on the surface of the ceramic. Contaminants that manage to get through the tiny holes must find their way through a maze of sharp corners and impossible angles in the structure of the ceramic.

Many ceramic filters contain silver as part of the ceramic structure. This further inhibits bacterial growth, helping to prevent the ceramic surfaces from becoming encrusted with bacteria.

They also contain an activated carbon core, which removes much of the chlorine content in addition to filtering out many types of pesticides.


What are ceramic water filters made of?

In prehistoric times, the oceans were full of algae. Their bodies dropped to the ancient sea beds of seas. When the seas dried up and the algae residue was exposed to the air, a fine silica powder from the cell walls of these creatures formed.

This silica powder has many uses, including its use in creating ceramic cartridges.

Can ceramic water filters really remove microscopic bacteria?

The exact constitution of the ceramic differs from brand to brand with corresponding different filtering results. But, in general, they remove up to 99% of pathogenic bacteria including E. Coli., salmonella, and cholera. They also remove cysts, sediment, lead, other heavy metals, hormones, and pesticides.

A 1 micron ceramic filter will remove most bacteria and cysts. Bacteria are around 0.2 to 2 microns wide and 1 to 10 microns long, and the average diameter of spherical bacteria is 0.5-2.0 microns.


Why is this important?



Around 1.8 million people die every year from diarrheal diseases. The majority are children in developing countries. Most of these deaths can be attributed to unsafe water. It serves as a warning to us all, emphasizing just how vital clean water is in safeguarding our health.

Occasionally, good water supplies may become contaminated, and a ceramic filter protects us against this.

Does it matter if I don’t use the filter for a while?

Most ceramic filters are self- sterilizing, so you can go on vacation without worrying about your filter. You may need to flush it out a few times if you are away for a long period of time, as the water can taste flat after a period of inactivity.

Is there a portable ceramic filter?

Yes, there are portable models. The big advantage of a ceramic filter is that you do not need an electricity supply and you do not need manual pumping. They work by simple gravity.

What about cleaning?

The flow of water slows down when the filter needs to be cleaned. You may also notice the white ceramic filter becoming discolored. After cleaning it regains its white color.

Cleaning is easy. Remove the filter carefully from the unit, but remember it is fragile. Use a soft toothbrush or soft scouring pad to scrub the filter in a bowl of water or under a running tap. Make sure the sealing washer is in place and return it to the unit. There is no need to sterilize it.


A simple design

Ceramic water filters are simple in design which makes them affordable.


A ceramic water filter is a simple idea with lots of variations in style and design, which makes them suitable for many different locations, at home and away.


Ceramic filters retain fluorides, which protect children’s teeth, but there are models which will remove it if you choose to do so.

Away from home

Ceramic filter products are available for use at home and away from home. For camping, you may find a pocket sized mini-filter convenient, or a larger model if you are going to be away for a while. There are also under the sink styles or counter top designs available.



Before you buy a ceramic water filter, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Their advantages include the ability to filter out potentially dangerous pathogens as well as the usual heavy metals like lead, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, cysts, and sediments. They are simple, versatile and easy to look after.

The only disadvantage is that they may be a bit slow since the pore size is so small. If that is a problem for you, it can easily be overcome but be sure to insert a coarser filter before the water reaches the ceramic one.