Jan 20 , 2017
Should I Drink Bottled Water?
However, its important to realize that staying hydrated and healthy isnt just about drinking enough water. The quality of the water you drink matters as well. By now, most people are aware that tap water really isnt that great for you, as it contains trace amounts of contaminants like arsenic, lead, aluminum, and even pharmaceuticals.
Bottled water is the usual go-to alternative, but should it be? Is bottled water really any better for you than water out of the tap? Most importantly of all, should you be drinking it or giving it to your children?
Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?
Where do you suppose your favorite brand of bottled water gets the product youre being sold? If you went by the label, youd probably assume its a beautiful, clear running spring nestled high in the mountains somewhere. Youd also probably be wrong.
Although some bottled waters do come from sources like that, a lot of it is sourced from municipal water supplies. That means youre probably drinking the very same tap water youre paying so much money to avoid. Some of that water may or may not have undergone additional treatment before it was bottled and sold, but its still a far cry from the beautiful babbling spring you were probably picturing.
Is Bottled Water Good for You?
So, your bottled water doesnt come from the gorgeous natural source you thought it did but does that really make it bad for you? Its still got to be better than plain tap water, right? Actually, thats not the case at all. Bottled water can contain many of the same contaminants found in tap water. Thats not all, either.
The plastic bottle your water comes in contains additional harmful elements that can leach their way into the product. They include bisphenol A (BPA), as well as numerous additional phthalates. Such compounds have been linked to health issues like cancer, sterility, hormonal imbalance, and birth defects exactly the issues you switched to bottled water to avoid.
What Else Should I Know About Bottled Water?
Bottled water isnt just potentially bad for you. Its also bad for the environment. Yes, plastic bottles can be recycled, but millions of them wont be. The ones that dont will end up in landfills. Sooner or later, theyll begin leaching dangerous chemicals into the groundwater before making their way back to our lakes and rivers.
As a result, those chemicals will wind up harming delicate ecosystems. Theyll also make their way back into our municipal water systems eventually. That said, bottled water really has no place in a clean, environmentally responsible lifestyle.
What Type of Water Should I Be Drinking?
Dont simply assume that your choices are limited to bottled water and tap water. Theres a third choice thats better than both of those. You can purify your tap water with a water filter. The benefits of doing so are numerous and include the following:
· Water filters remove the contaminants in your tap water, so you dont have to worry about the health ailments they cause anymore.
· Filtered water tastes amazing clean, pure, and refreshing. When your water tastes good, youll want to drink it!
· There are many different types of water filters, so finding the right one for you is a simple process. You can install water filters on your faucets or in your refrigerator. You can purchase filters for your countertop. There are even in-line and whole house water filters that can be installed right into your plumbing for the ultimate in convenience.
· Water filters are affordable, especially in comparison to bottled water. No more drinking straight from the tap because its all you can afford to do!
All things considered, water is so important. Not only do you drink it every day, but you literally cant live without it. Your water quality matters, and the best way to make sure yours is everything it should be is to invest in water filters for your home. Explore the possibilities today!