Brand Spotlight: GE Water Filters

Aug 23 , 2018

Brand Spotlight: GE Water Filters

GE has built a reputation among American consumers for being a reliable brand for home appliances. The subsidiary GE Water, now Suez Technologies, oversaw developing both large-scale and small-scale water purification solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential use.

With GE refrigerators and water-purification devices in many American households and businesses, let’s look at a small cross-section of the GE water filters available at Water Filters Fast. We’ll look at their specifications and capabilities, to develop a deeper understanding of the quality they offer to consumers.

GE Osmonics TFM-100

The GE Osmonics TFM-100 is one the highest capacity household reverse osmosis filters on offer from GE. Designed to filter up to 100 gallons of water per day, this water filter suits larger households and small commercial establishments.

The TFM-100 uses cross-flow filtration to optimize the performance of the filter. As opposed to dead-end filtration, which has water running toward the membrane, cross-flow reverse osmosis filters have water running parallel the membrane surface. This configuration allows the flow of particulate-laden water to sweep away the impurities that the membrane keeps out.

The action of sweeping away impurities from the membrane improves the performance of the filter by preventing the formation of filter cakes. It also reduces the possibility of forcing tinier particles through the membrane due to the sheer force of the water pressure exerted behind a filter cake. Because filter cakes don’t form, this type of filter is also suitable for use in situations that involve purifying water with markedly high levels of particulate solids without suffering from progressive performance losses.

Aside from the residential applications of this filter, it offers the capacity and level of purification required for use in restaurants, aquariums, hotels, car washes, and other small- to medium-sized businesses. It can also perform suitably well in advanced water-purification applications, such as the post-treatment of deionized water and for purifying water for laboratory, medical, pharmaceutical, and electronics use. Water purification for hemodialysis and oil-water separation are also suitable applications.

ice maker

GE MSWF SmartWater Interior Refrigerator Water Filter Replacement

The GE MSWF SmartWater interior refrigerator water filter replacement fits a large range of refrigerators. It has the same easy-to-use twist-and-lock technology used in other GE refrigerator water filters, which allows for quick replacements without any tools. With its light-duty usage design, this refrigerator water filter can purify up to 300 gallons of water within a maximum lifespan of six months. It operates at a flow rate of up to 0.9 gallons per minute at operating pressures of between 20 and 120 psi, removing any impurities greater than 0.5 microns in size.

The MSWF SmartWater Filters have received testing and certification to follow two NSF standards for filtered water. The first standard is NSF/ANSI 42, which concerns the aesthetics of the water, including chlorine content, color, odor, and particulate content. The second certification is NSF/ANSI 53, which considers potential health effects. This one verifies that the filter removes contaminants such as lead, VOCs, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and methyl tertiary-butyl ether. Both standards assume a water source that comes from a well or drinking treatment plant.

This filter is similar in price to the GE RPWFE SmartWater replacement water filter, though usually slightly less expensive. It does not quite match its filtration capability, but it is very close. The GE MSWF Filter hits all the high points, and then some, and it fits a wide variety of refrigerators. It is also a good option for the health-conscious consumer.

dirty vs clean filtered water

GE AFPWF Auto-Fill Pitcher Water Filter

For those with refrigerators that have auto-fill pitchers, this might be the water filter for you. As is standard with GE water filters, this model also uses an easy twist and turn for installation, and it requires no tools for replacement. This filter has a maximum lifetime filtration capacity of 170 gallons. Again, if it takes more than six months to reach that volume, go ahead and replace it. It does have a convenient indicator light to let you know that it needs changing.

The GE AFPWF auto-fill pitcher water filter received certification from the NSF for its ability to reduce chlorine, eliminate odors, and promote a clean taste in the water it purifies. Unlike the other two filters, it does not make any claims to remove any health-related contaminants. The filter is also the most affordable of the three.

GE Filter Quality

These are only three of the many options that GE has for water filters. However, this small sample shows that their filters undergo development with the customer in mind. They are easy to use, tested for safety and quality, and have options for a variety of needs.