What Is a SmartWater Filter?

Dec 20 , 2016

What Is a SmartWater Filter?

If you’re thinking of purchasing a refrigerator water filter for your home, you should be congratulated on an excellent decision. By now, we’re all well aware of the high number of contaminants present in ordinary unfiltered tap water. We also know that bottled water isn’t a whole lot better in that regard. Filtered water, on the other hand, is water you can feel good about giving to your family – water free of contaminants, chemicals, and other harmful compounds. It tastes better, too!

Refrigerator water filters, in particular, grant you the convenience of continuous access to cold, drinkable, refreshing filtered water (as well as ice cubes made from that water) at any time. General Electric’s innovative SmartWater filters promise you an even better-filtered water experience, but what is a SmartWater filter? How is it different from other filters? Is it really worth investing in? Let’s take a closer look at the answers to all of those questions and more.

Lemon hitting glass of water

What Make the SmartWater Filter Smart?

SmartWater filters deliver all the same great benefits you’d expect from a really good water filtration system. They give you continuous access to clean, refreshing water that can be consumed as is, used for cooking, or put to just about any other use for which you need safe, good quality water. However, they’re also designed to be a cut above the rest when it comes to performance.

Next-Level Filtration

Many people assume that all water filters are able to filter out all of the same toxins but this isn’t true. Some toxins are much more difficult to remove from drinking water than others, so you really need a product that’s up to the task if you’re serious about reaping the full benefits of a filtration system.

The GE SmartWater filter is certified to drastically reduce a larger variety of different contaminants than many of the other filters on the market. They include well-known but difficult to remove chemicals like lead, mercury, and arsenic. SmartWater filters are even capable of removing chlorine-resistant cysts and other organisms that may make it through the standard disinfection process all tap water undergoes.

Last, but not least, SmartWater filters have been tested and verified when it comes to their ability to remove five different trace pharmaceuticals that can also be present in drinking water. These include ibuprofen and progesterone.

In other words, SmartWater filters don’t just make your water clean, as well as free it of unpleasant odors and tastes. They work harder to get rid of more of the many toxins you don’t want your family exposed to.

Lemon inside cool glass of water

Is a SmartWater Filter Right for Me?

You should consider making the switch to a SmartWater filter if any of the following are true of you or others in your family:

You’re sensitive to pharmaceuticals.

The trace amounts of multiple pharmaceuticals present in most tap water aren’t good for anyone, especially when you consider many of them were never intended to be mixed. However, some people are a lot more sensitive than others. If you or anyone else in your household is hypersensitive to any sort of medication, a SmartWater filter can really help reduce the amounts you’re exposed to and potentially improve your overall health.

You have young children in your home (or plan to).

Very young children, babies, and pregnant women have systems that really need to be treated with extra care. That means it’s not possible for their water to be too clean. That said, if you have little ones in your home (or hope to someday), a SmartWater filter will help ensure they have the healthiest possible start in life.

You’re particular about how your water tastes.

If you feel like even your filtered water doesn’t taste as good as it probably should or you’re tired of stale-tasting ice cubes, you should try a SmartWater filter. The more contaminants you can remove from your drinking water, the cleaner and better it will taste. SmartWater filters can do that, and then some.

How Do I Get a SmartWater Filter?

SmartWater filters are guaranteed by the manufacturer to fit a variety of GE side-by-side and bottom-freezer refrigerators. They’re also made to be simple to install, thanks to an easy twist-and-lock design. No additional tools necessary! Just a simple switch-out that anyone can handle.

SmartWater refrigerator filters can easily be purchased online either individually or in packs of three. Just be sure to double-check whether or not your GE model fridge is compatible before you buy!